QuestionJim,you advised me on my last question to replace fuel pump.It was replaced and my vehicle still dies intermittenly.The Yukon runs good for a few days then when I am stopped at a intersection or in park it will die.I have been able to get it running a cpl of times.It will turn over on those occasions but now even boosting it does not work.The fuel pump is a NAPA product.
The vehicle is a 1993 GMC Yukon.
AnswerYou really should get this into your local dealer for a ahnds on diagnosis, I can think of several things which I will list for you.
1. You got a bad fuel pump, this normally means that it dies more often than not when you have 1/4 tank of fuel or less.
2. You have a bad ignition coil, that will stop it from firing when hot.
3. You have a bad Mass Air Flow Sensor, that will give your truck the wrong mixture of fuel and air. This can be tested by simply unplugging it and see if the problem gets better. It will set a check engine light when unplugged, but the truck will run on preset programming.
4. You could have a problem with your cap and rotor, which would stop the engine from firing, check to see if you are getting fire into the distributor, but not out.
This is what I can think of off the top of my head, check it and get back with me if you need more help.