GMC Repair: Weird battery cable question, gmc pickup, positive cable
Question94 GMC pickup, C1500, V8 My battery sprung a leak and leaked acid down the positive cable(s). The positive cable has 3 cables coming off of the terminal--the large one, and two smaller ones. The acid apparently pooled at a point about 10 or so below the battery where some tape was binding the 3 cables together. The two smaller cables have corroded a bit and are broken/separated. Originally, I thought that they had been spliced, since the insulation was cut cleanly, but now that I ve cleaned them off, I can see faint lettering on one of those cables that says fusible link. Obviously, I have to replace the battery, but do I really have to fork out $78 for a new battery cable, or are there fusible links that are supposed to be connecting those little cables? Any alternatives to a new cable would be appreciated--especially since putting in the new cable looks like a rather unpleasant task! Thanks! Dave
AnswerBad news, yes you should fork it out.
I have dealt with this more than once, and the only way to fix it where you will not have to dal with it in few weeks again is to replace all of the positive cables. Mostly because if it got that bad then you will never get rid of all of the acid in the cables and it will build up corrosion again and could corrode your starter as well.