GMC Repair: flat spot, air induction system, chev silverado
QuestionI have a1995 chev silverado 4x4 p/u with a 350 tbi eng. The problem is when you drive at a slow speed gas pedal just cracked ,driving behind another veh. in town it is the same as the eng. is without any way to open up ,but drive hard there is no problem to be noticed.I have checked out fuel press / tps / no service codes. Any suggestions THANKS
AnswerYou may want to attempt an engine decarbon, and/or a fuel injection system flush.
The way that I like to do an engine decarbon, which is how I do it on my 1998 Tahoe, is to go to your local GM dealership and get a can of GM spray top engine cleaner, and a can of liquid top engine cleaner. Take the air induction off of the truck and start it, spray the first can into the throttle body making sure to manually work the throttle to keep the engine running, and clean the throttle body. Next, pour the liquid top engine cleaner into the throttle body, again keep the engine running, and when the can is about 3/4 empty dump the can in and let it stall the engine. Put the air induction system back on the truck and disconnect the battery to clear ant codes set by this and let it sit for 30 min. Then start it up, this will be somewhat difficult because it will be flooded, and drive it. Try to keep the RPM's high for a while. There will be alot of smoke coming out of the tailpipe, drive it untill the smoke is at least almost gone and see if it better. If not get back with me. The top engine cleaner should be about $7-10 each.