GMC Repair: 1993 Suburban dies at idle, intermittent, gm crate engine, fuel pressure regulator

5.7L TBI, will die intermittently when stopping and/or turning at low speed, usually with foot on the brake.  Sometimes you will feel it start to die and give it a little gas then it will stay running.  When it dies, place it in neutral and it starts right back up like nothing is wrong.  Have replaced TPS, cap/rotor, ignition coil, mag-coil(?under rotor), ign module, fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter and battery cables. Ign module died on the road costing me a tow bill.  All the other parts were replaced as routine maintenance or were borderline when tested except for regulator that was replaced at recomendation of a local mechanic.  Plugs and wires have very little age on them.  Vehicle has over 265,000 miles on it, 115,000 on GM crate engine. ECM was replaced about 3 years ago. It runs better now on the road but still dies!  I read some previous posts about the IAC and the air passage to it.  The IAC checks ok with a DVM and I have sprayed the TBI with carb cleaner but not specifically into the air passsage, can this be the issue?  Is there a better way to see if the IAC is actually working?  Can the injectors be tested?  I have not done a fuel pressure test, mainly due to it running ok the rest of the time. Looking for any help or suggestions before I throw in the towel and take it to the shop.  Am I overlooking something simple?  Thanks in advance


I was leaning towards an IAC,this can cause your complaint,GM has updated the IAC to a better design,usually it and that passages get choked with carbon,also dont overlook a vacuum leak,either at the TBI base gasket or the intake manifold gaskets,this will cause an idle stall also.
The IAC is tested using a tester for it,you can find one at the parts store or sears i believe has one,though not 100% accurate,it lets you know if the ECM is doing its job in commanding it.
 The injectors can be tested using a DVOM,messure resistance,TBI injectors usually ohm out at about 4.0 ohms.