GMC Repair: 1994 GMC Safari Electrical, gmc safari, mirror adjustment
QuestionSuddenly my windshield wipers quit working, I lost control of my side mirror adjustment and my interior dome lights quit working and the radio resets its self when I turn off the engine. I cannot find in the rpair manual any connection where all of these things are connected. Can you help? I checked the fuses and was wondering if there is a circuit breaker or a connector somewhere that all of these things are connected to. Thanks Cindy Chandler.
You may have a fusable link that has gone open,check the fuses themselves to see if there is power to them,if there is not,check the fusible links,they are located near the battery,the positive battery cable has two wires,one thick one that goes to the starter,then one thinner one,follow the thinner one and it will lead you to a junction box,colored red,on the other side of the box there are about 4-5 wires going from that those are fusible links,usually they corrode and break or they short and go open,you'll need to check those and see if there is power at thos wires,replace the fusible link that is open,fusible links are availible from autoparts stores.if you need more help let me know.