GMC Repair: vacum booster for 95 GMC 1500 P\U, 2 nuts, gmc 1500
QuestionMy problem is brakes the are slow to engage. I have replaced the master cyln. and bled the brakes. I still have a slow pedal. I do notice a louder than usual vacum sound from the hole in the fire wall under the dash where the brake pedal engages the booster. Is it possible that the booster is bad? And is it easy to replace?
Yes it sounds like you have a failed brake booster and is leaking internaly,it is not to difficult to replace,ive done them in about 20 min,first you need to remove the master cyl,you can do this without disconnecting the brake lines,remove the 2 nuts that hold the master to the booster and move it out of the way,next under the left part of the dash,you need to remove the acuator pin from the brake pedal,there is a clip that holds a pin that goes into the brake pedal,the clip is pretty tough,you need to pry the clip back and as you pry back push the clip off of the pin,then remove the pin from the brake pedal,now there are 4 nuts that retain the booster to the firewall,you need to remove those nuts and thats it,the booster will come out,just reverse what you did before to reinstall.if you need help just contact me.Thanks