Questionok well i let my buddy drive my 91 gmc jimmy and he decided to try and adjust the timing cause i just moved to reno from washington( altitude difference i guess) and the distributor moved too far and the truck wouldn't start. well i time it the right way i think, but now the fuel pump wont work, changed the relay, and the ecm fuses are good, i heard that there is some safety on the distributor or something, is that true? oh yeah it is a 91 gmc jimmy SLE with a 4.3/tbi, auto.
The 91 GMC jimmy you have,there is no need for the timing to be adjusted,the computer does all that for you,what it seems like happened is you didnt line the distributor up to the #1 cyl firing,the distributor has a cam sensor/hall effect located inside,if it is not phased to the correct cyl you wont have any injector pulse,meaning the injectors will not fire.we need to get the distributor to #1 firing,do this by removing the #1 spark plug,disconnect the ign coil so we dont have any spark and crank over the eng a little at a time until you feel air coming out of the #1 cyl,when you do,look a the ft timing marks,the harmonic balancer has a line acroos it and the ft timing chain cover has a tab with numbers on it sticking out,rotate the eng until the balancer line lines up with 0 on the timing tab,now the #1 cyl is at top dead center,remove the distr cap and look at the rotor the metal part should face the cap terminal that the #1 spark plug wire is located,if it is not then you need to loosen the lock bolt and clamp and rotate the dist until the rotor lines up with the terminal for #1 spark plug,see if it starts,if it doesnt then remove the air cleaner assembly and see if the injectors are spraying fuel,if not,then it is a failed fuel pump,let me know what happens,because i need to give you the proper procedure to adjust the timing if the engine starts,Thanks