GMC Repair: Brake line, auto parts suppliers, compression fittings

a brake line just split on my 93 Jimmy.  The split is about one foot back from what appears to be a coupling.  It seems to be at the end of a shield that runs from that coupler to right where the split is (about a foot).  Is there some way to put in a splice or do I have to replace the line from that point to the rear wheel?


 Ive seen this many times,the only way to repair brake lines is to replace the section of line that has failed,they do make compression fittings but its against federal vehicle law to use them.the best way to fix this is to replace the line from theunion fitting to the rear axle fitting,bulk lines are availible from the auto parts suppliers in different lengths,measure out how much you need,and its also good to buy a line that maybe an inch or two longer,standard brake line size is 3/16in,bring a section of the damaged line with you and match it up.
 If you need anymore help just drop me a line,Thank You