GMC Repair: oil pressure, maine weather, 10w30
Questionlately in this cold Maine weather my oil pressure is staying on 0 when i first start my 99 gmc serria.
I currently using 10w30 and in the process of changing it to 5w30.Is this my problem or am I going to have a rude awakening? I was wondering if the oil pump is not running properly.I have had this problem in the past and it seems to correct itself in a short period of time.I know the oil is not reaching the headers because of the knocking in the pistons. I quickly turned off the truck and pray that the weather gets warmer. Please help me decide if it is a serious problem or an easy fix.
thanks-Seriously thinking of trading for a different make.
Answerhello richard
this do to the weather .
If i were you i would get a heated dip stick for the nights it is parked and see if it solves the problem .
If u allready have one then yes i would get the oil pumped changed . asap
you are going destroy the eng .
just being honest.
If i can help more please let me know