GMC Repair: GMC Jimmy S15 wont start, gmc jimmy, screw driver

I have a 1988 GMC Jimmy S15 4WD with a 4.3L engine. I pulled up to a red light the other day, it was idleing fine and all of a sudden it just quit. Never would start again. I checked the fuel pump, you can hear it kick on when you turn the key, plus you can see it spraying gas into the carb. I removed the electronic piece from under the distributor cap (I am assuming this is the ignition module) and had it checked, it was fine. I am getting fire to the plug, I have checked that. I am not a mechanic, I'm a tinkerer, I can tear a computer apart and put it back together with my eyes closed but when it comes to engines.... not my strong point. I would however prefer to fix this myself instead of paying someone gobs of money to troubleshoot it for me. It is my old work vehicle and it has always ran great, until the other day. I intend on buying the repair book for it but I havent yet. Any help you could give me would be most appreciated. Thank You.

Could be  a bad crank senser it is by the honmaniac ballancer .

With a wire plug in . And the best way to check for spark is pull a plug wire off then put a screw driver in the plug see if you see spark go up the screw driver let me know pete