GMC Repair: 1994 GMC Jimmy, jumper cables, gmc jimmy

1994 GMC Jimmy 4dr 2x2

My grandfather passed away recently and left me his Jimmy. My mother would start it up every few days and let it run for sometime. She did this untill the gas was gone. Now it has been sitting for about 9 months to a year. When I went to pick it up I put about 5 gallons of gas in it. The battery was dead so I hooked up my jumper cables to it. All lights horn electrical worked. But could get no reaction from the engine I mean no turn or sound. My friend told me that the engine might have frozen up. My question is how would I unfreeze it. Is there any advice you can give me? Or what else I should replace.

Hello mark
if the eng is sezed then it would have to be chaned put a wrench on the crank and see if you can move the motor and if u can it is ok if not then it needs to be rebult the eng. the battery could be hamerd and a jump is not anough you should try another good charged battery .

just might turn over pete