QuestionMy follow up is at the end of the previous answer below. Thanks!
Followup To
Question -
I have a 95 Sonoma with the 2.2L eng and a 5 speed manual transmision (about 150K miles). My problem is that when ever the clutch is let out all the way with no pressure on the pettle (either in neutral or driving) I hear a chirping sound. (it sounds similar to a squeaky fan accessory belt - but that has been replaced) If there is even just a slight pressure on the pettle it goes away.
I've looked in the Hanes book and think that it may be the release bearing.
I am wondering if there is anything that I can do other than remove the clutch and transmission and/or replace parts that will help the problem. I'd like to sell this car soon as it is too small, but the noise is very noticable when it's running with the transmission in neutral (particularly if someone is looking at the engine while it's running), and could dirve away potential buyers. It's been like that since I got it a year ago (a free swap type of deal so I didn't really worry about it at the time - I thought is was just a loose belt- which when changed didn't help).
It's gone about 34,000 miles since I've had it without seeming to get any worse over the last year.
If you know of another reason what the noise could be please let me know, otherwise here are my questions:
Is it possible to lube the berring without any (or at least minor) disasembly?
Is it even a problem that I should worry about or try to address - like is it a fairly common problem on that model?
Any of your thoughts about this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Matt B
Answer -
this is a bad throwout bearing the trann should be replaced with new clutch and pressuier plate and throw out bearing please rate my serivice pete
Question 2 (actually there are a couple):
Pete, Thanks so much for the prompt reply!I just want to clarify what you're saying.
A. Is the "throwout bearing" the same thing as the "clutch release bearing?" I can't seem to find "throwout" in the book...
B. Also are you saying that the transmission needs to be replaced as well or just the clutch, presure plate and throwout bearing?
C. Finally, if I pull the transmission out should I also replace the pilot bearing at the same time?
Answerhello again
no you dont have to replace the tranny i call it a trowout bearing it is a relase spring and you have to tear the tranny out any way so i would chenge the clutch and pressuier plate to is not much more money . please rate my serivice pete