GMC Repair: 1993 Chevy Lumina Door Handles, chevy lumina, 1993 chevy lumina

Both outside door handles on my 1993 Lumina are broken, I tried using a coat hanger to pull inside handle but neither door will release. I have also tried removing the rear seat back through the trunk but with no success.  Short of breaking a window, what are my options here.  I dont believe the seat back is bolted down but can't get it to budge up or down.  Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.  

YES the seat back rest IS bolted to the vehicles body at the floor level.

Your BEST option is if you have AAA or some sort of towing service that provides locksmithing in your policy. You can in some cases get your door open by the service.

It CAN be done using a coat hanger but you have to know what your linkages look light inside the door panel.
