GMC Repair: electrical problems, buick century, auto parts store
I have a 1994 buick century.
All the dash lights are coming on sporadically and I noticed when the lights come on, the battery guage is going in the red, kind of fluttering back and forth. I also experience a slight loss of power when accelerating, but only when the lights come on. I had the alternator and battery replaced, everything was fine for a few weeks and it started again. I took the car back to my mechanic and both battery and alternator were again replaced but it has started doing it again. Yesterday it stalled on me while travelling 50 mph on a main roadafter the dash lights came on. It doesn't happen all the time, sometimes I can drive it for a few weeks without any problems. I don't drive the car only has 43K miles on it. My mechanic has suggested I take it elswhere,but I don't want to waste any more money than I have already on expensive diagnostics...every time I have a diagnostic performed (3 to date) it comes up *bad battery*...can you help?
AnswerObviously the lousy mechaic that you have has no clu as to what he is doing, Yet you take it back THREE times. The BAD battery is most likely being caused by a fault within the electrical system due to a corroded wire(s) at the starter or possibly a faulty battery cable(s) or a problem within the vehicles computer system of which is most newer vehicles is what controls the alternator charging circuit in order to keep the battery charged.
There is also the possibility of faulty parts, battery and or alternator. just because they are NEW or REBUILT does NOT guarantee that they work properly.
I would suggest that you remove the battery and the alternator and hand carry them into any major auto parts store and they will be glad to test them for FREE. Once you are CERTAIN that these 2 components are fully operational, then it it time to stsrt checking for loose or corroded wires to and from these components and have a professional technician do the PROPER diagnostic test on the electrical system of the vehicle.
I don't forsee any MAJOR problem here. You just need to find a facility that knows what they are doing. Obviously the one you have does NOT have the expertise in handling your problem.
Ship the vehicle out to our facility in NM and we will be glad to fix your problem.