GMC Repair: GMC C1500 Suburban - Timing - 5.7L, inductive timing light, distributor cap
QuestionI am a novice. This will be my first time at replacing a distributor cap, rotor, new plugs and wires. I have bought all the parts and a inductive timing light. Since my repair book isn't that clear can you tell me the timing sequence for the wires and any tips on using the timing light? Also I have read about a timing chain or belt but don't if my engine has that.
Any help would be great.
Answerhello brian
a timeing light is easy to use it hooks up to the battery and no. 1 plug you will see top dead center when you use the light . on the wires do one wire at a time do not pull all wires off one at a time good luck to you and if you do need fireing order i will get back to u not in shop right now pete