GMC Repair: 2002 gmc 1500 z71off road, gmc 1500, internal components
Questionthis truck has 100,000 kms and has had the front drive differential replaced once with a new one and that one has had a new housing and bearings replaced since then.I purchased this truck with 65,000 kms on it ,so in 35,000 kms the front diff has failed now three times,tonight being the third time ,can you please help me .I am not sure when the warranty will run out,so far its been GM good will warranty ,this all started February 04 and no one can tell me why,note:I own a highway truck repair centre and Iam wondering if any body else is having this problem. bearing failure every time
AnswerIt would appear that whoever is installing the internal components is getting the pinion bearing tightened to tight.
Once you get the axle housing overheated due to TIGHT bearings, The axle tubes and housing are HISTORY.
Going by the instructions in many cases is a major mistake. EXPERIENCE and a knack for feeling the tightness and backlash is what you depend on.