GMC Repair: Chevy Fan Heater Core Issue, chevy fan, chiltons manual
Question90 G20 Van, 350 V8, With AC
The windows never defrost and then I found coolant in the floor. I noticed some coolant on the heater core in the foot well. The Chiltons manual I have is insufficient in assistanting me with this task. I am looking for a service manual or a general idea how to get this out. I started removing the dash to get to it. I was not sure if it was obtainable from the outside as well?
AnswerThe FIRST thig to do is throw that CHILTON MANUAL in the trash. I have been i this business 25 + years and do NOT nor ever WILL own a CHILTON or HAYES manual as they are very miss-leading GENERIC useless pices of miss-information that has EVER been published.
I don't have any books on VAN'S or I would e-mail you some pictures of how the core is removed.
trying to explain it this way is IMPOSSIBLE.
You will have to beg, Borrow or steal a manufacturers book for your specific YEAR and MAKE of vehicle.