Questioni have a 1989 riveria and i am not getting fuel i am told that it might be a relay in a box on the fire wall but i dont know wich one of the relays it is can u help
thank u
AnswerI am NOT positive as to the relays location on a Buick.
However, On an Oldsmobile it is located on the firewall above and to the right of the valve cover.
On a Chevy it is loacted on a bracket near the right side headlights.
Thee are 5 wires going to the realy and the wire colors are:
ORANGE with a BLACK stripe.
DARK GREEN with a WHITE stripe.
BLACK with a WHITE stripe.
Also you should see a female connector attached to NOTHING that has wire colrs of ORANGE with a BLACK stripe wire of which is the FUEL PUMP TEST CONNECTOR.
If you have a test light BACK PROBE the gray wire with the test light and as soon as you turn ON the ignition switch, The test light should illuminate for 2 seconds ONLY and then go out. At this same 2 seconds you should be able to hear the fuel pump in the gas tank running for this 2 second period.
DOES IT and do you have illumination at the gray wire ?.
let me know.