Questioni have a 1996 tahoe. in feb i replaced all the sensors, rebuilt the trans, replaced the spark plugs, wires, gaskets, rotar, cap,water pump, compressor, alternator, in february i think i've pretty much changed everything. at any rate, when i turn the key the starter makes connection and the flywheel or flex plate turns however it seems to be having a really hard time turning. something is keeping the flywheel from turning. it makes this loud locking and popping noise. i will change my plugs, wires and oil again today. when i turn the fly wheel by hand it springs back a little. the engine seems to hard to turn. what do you think?
AnswerThe flywhell will be hard to turn as your are also moving the pistons up and down causing combustion chamber pressure (compression) in the cylinders. This IS normal.
If you remove ALL the spark plugs and turn the fly wheel it will turn very easily. This IS also normal.
Check the flywheel for damaged teeth around the entire outer perimeter of the fly wheel. Also check the small starter gear of the starter for damage.
Some starters, GM, require shims to be installed between the engine block and the starter to achieve the correct starter gear to fly wheel engagement. If you HAD these small flat shims when you removed the starter the FIRST time, You MUST re-install them. You can also buy these shims at any parts store.