QuestionI own a 1999 Jimmy SLE 4X4 and I have been having trouble starting it. Here is a quick rundown:
- only occurs if Jimmy has not been used for 1 day or more
- only occurs in cooler weather (ex. -1C or 32F and below - I live in Saskatchewan so it can get cold)
- when trying to start it just "clicks"
- will start with boost or 1 hour on battery charger
- have replaced the alternator, the "ground" battery cable and the battery
- when boosted or charged, the clock resets and the rear hatch window pops open?
- no consistancy to it not starting, sometimes it will start after 2 days of no use and then the next time it won't start
I do not know what else to repair. Any suggestions?
AnswerPerform an AMPERAGE draw from the battery with everything OFF and they keys in your pocket. MAXIMUM amperage draw should be 1/2 (.50) AMPS. Anything OVER 1 amp means that something is drawing amperage from the battery. Most likely the rear hatch switch and or relay.
Just because the battery is NEW does NOT mean that it is 100% operational.
I would try another KNOWN GOOD battery and recheck ALL my grounds.
This is the third or fourth exact same question I have received from your parts and 2 of them were resolved with a KNOWN GOOD battery.