GMC Repair: transmission jerks, better business bureau, buick regal

I have a 1995 Buick Regal 3.8 liter.  When first starting the car in the morning, the transmission jerks in reverse, 1st, and 2nd.  After the car warms up it only seems to jerk in 2nd.  I took the car to a transmission shop & they said the motor mount was broken.  The motor mount was replaced & they also replaced the manual lever position sensor.  I was charged $834.38 & the car still jerks.  I returned the car & they supposedly ran a diagnose check & told me there is nothing wrong with the transmission.  Can you tell what is causing the jerking?  Thanks.  Mike

$850.00 to replace a motor mount and a position sensor is ABSURD. In my professional opinion you most likely got TAKEN TO THE CLEANERS on this repair.

If I were you, I would file a complaint with your local Better Business Bureau and go to several other repair facilities and ASK how much it would cost to replace this motor mount and positioning sensor. By my calculations your looking at about $200 to $400 for this repair.

Have you ever had the transmission SERVICED ?.

If NOT, I would shop around for a reputable reliable facility for this transmission service. The cost should be approx $250.00.

Without actaully driving the vehicle, I really can't say what the problem could be.
