GMC Repair: 89 gmc vandura2500 5.7L, throttlebody, bird calls
Questionthere is a chirping noise coming from either the egr valve or the throttlebody it sounds exactly like a bird .I put my ear over the engine thats wherethe noise comes from ,at first I thought it was a belt or a bearing but it wasnt i checked the vacume hoses all ok I even checked for the nest ha ha, what do you think ? thank you.
AnswerThe first thing you need to do is tell your spouse to knock it off with the bird calls and get back in the kitchen and do the dishes.
I just could not resist that one and since my wife is working, I can get away with saying it.
OK, Go buy an aerosol can of CARB CLEANER and start the engine and spray around the area of this noise and see when the noise has changed in pitch or has gone bye-bye birdy.
Let me know.