Questionhow do i replace the serpentine belt tensioner pulley, on a 96 buick riviera 3800 series 2 without super charger, without removing the tensioner assembly?
AnswerOn some vehicles the pulley is NOT removeable from the tensioner. To find out for sure call a local parts store and ask for a new tensioner and ask if the pulley comes WITH the TENSIONER or is it a SEPERATE PART.
If the loacl parts stores do not have the tensioner call your local Buick dealers parts department and ask the same thing.
Or you can call them up and ask for a NEW PULLEY for the TENSIONER and see what they say. They will tell you if it is available or is part of the tensioner.
I don't have a 96 Buich Service manual or I would look it up for you.
Let me know what you find out.
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Sometimes when you have to replace a part, I will askyou if I can have the old part, As I rebuild them and sell them for extra income. I will pay the shipping costs as long as it does not exceed $10.00.
Retired in New Mexico and teaching my son to learn the trade.