GMC Repair: Door lock issues, olds achieva, lock experts

I have a 1993 Olds Achieva with a door lock problem on the driver's side.  Here's some background:  A couple of years ago I locked my keys in the car and a friend had the bright idea of using a coat hanger down the seal by the driver's side window to try to pull the mechanism inside the door.  Well, this attempt failed.  However, ever since then the lock on that side can only be locked and unlocked with the power lock button inside the car.  Putting the key in the lock and turning it has absolutely no effect. Any idea what we did (aside from being idiots pretending to be lock experts)?  If so, what can I do to fix it?  Any advice you can give would be great.  Thank you so much for your time.

You stated "(aside from being idiots pretending to be lock experts)? answers your question. You most likely bent and or disconnected the lock rod from the lock to the door handle.

This will require removal of the inner door panel to inspect for damage.
