GMC Repair: Car doesnt turn over at all...come back later it starts, oldsmobile cutlass ciera, 1991 oldsmobile cutlass ciera

drive a 1991 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera...I have been having trouble with it for quite some time ...I have had a switched repaired, ect.
Obviously the problem has never been fixed because it keeps on happening.I just got a job offer that is with a place that I'd love to work for but the dang car starts acting up again...
Here's what it does...I'll take it somewhere and it will crank just fine then I'll come back to my car and it won't crank sometimes I mean completely NOT turning over at all and not making a sound when you turn the back an hour later and it cranks...It's not thought to be the battery because the battery tested fine....It starts up ok when it does start up sometime it just kinda starts like its hesitating then turns over all the way...The starter was tested to not too long ago and said to be ok.I am so tired of taking it in for erroneous repairs that never fix the problem and it couldn't start acting up at a worse time since this would be my ideal job and were in the poorhouse literally.Can you please help?

OK, I have encountered this problem many times on numerous vehicles and the first thing I need to know is the complete vehicle reapir history. I mean EVERYTHING from an engine replacement to replacing the light bulb in the trunk. Write me a book as I need to know EVERYTHING.

Here are the most probable causes:

1. An intermittent fault within the battery internal post connection(s).

2. Some internal corrosion within the battery cables. Even though they look OK when viewed from the outside, You can't see what is in the inside unless you strip off all the insulation from the cables and physically look for corrosion.

3. An Intermittent HEAT SENSITIVE starter and or starter solenoid.

4. An intermittent connection and or internal corrosion of the ignition wire and or switch from the starter to the ignition switch.

5. An intermittent connection in one of the larger engine wiring harness connectors within the engine compartment, Of which again may look perfectly OK on the outside but corroded and or loose within the connector.

This is WHY I need a complete past repair history to see what work was done where and when.

I do not have a staff of people helping me answer your questions, I do it all by my self, Therefore, Due to being retired and a 15 year old computer on a dial-up connection, I do my best to respond to questions within 3 to 4 hours due to the volume of questions I receive on a daily basis. If you require a faster response you can e-mail me directly at the below e-mail address as I check it more frequently.:

[email protected]

retired in New Mexico
