GMC Repair: steering column repair, e mail address, steering column repair

good day,
my name is tracey deitch. i am requesting your expert help & information pertaining to steering column repair. i own an '89 GMC SUBURBAN V2500, 5.7L (VIN K), manufacturer's date 05/89. i purchased this truck up originally as a theft recovery from a local wrecking yard. the steering column due to the theft of the truck was damaged really bad. i am a mechanic/automotive tech. myself, but have not been in the trade nearly as long as you, & as well $ is tight. i receive ssi as monthly income myself. you probably know ssi is not even enough to survive on a month. i do not have the $ to purchase a repair manual for my truck. my question for you is do you by chance have a repair manual that would 1.), show step by step how to repair this steering column, which is a tilt steering column; 2.), & the complete wiring diagram to this truck because a lot of wiring was ripped apart under the dash ? i would be much obliged for your expert help & assistance on this matter & would help me out gratiously. if you are able to help & have what i've just mentioned, you could either e-mail it to the e-mail address indicated & or via snail mail, whatever is the most convenient for you. i have checked our local library first before i've attempted to check the internet; living in a small town in a rural area, the library just is not well equipped in this area of information. my mailing address is: tracey deitch - 25442 eunice rd. - acampo, cal. 95220.
thank you for your valubale time.
respectfully submitted,
tracey deitch

Unfortunately I do not have the information that you have requested. However I do have a picture and procedure or dissasembly and re-assembly of a steering column of a 1987 Chevy Blazer of which is nearly identical to yours.

The only problems is that I do not have an electrical schematic of the wiring. Another problem is that it will require the use of SPECIAL TOOLS in order to dissasemble and re-assemble the steering column components.

This task is quite complicated and if you have never had one apart your in for a very long process of trial and error that could take many long hours or days to complete.

On a scale of complexability of 1 being very simple and 10 being very difficult I would have to rate this at a 7 or 8.

On occassions, depending upon distance, I have traveled to peoples homes to help them with their problem. But I live in Grants New mexico and you ae just a tad to far away.

I can scan and e-mail or snail mail you the above said information, But I seriously doubt that due to the complexity of the project, That you will be successful.

I do not have a staff of people helping me answer your questions, I do it all by my self, Therefore, Due to being retired and a 15 year old computer on a dial-up connection, I do my best to respond to questions within 3 to 4 hours due to the volume of questions I receive on a daily basis. If you require a faster response you can e-mail me directly at the below e-mail address as I check it more frequently.:

[email protected]

let me know.
