GMC Repair: Problem with Tires locking, drive axles, brake hoses
QuestionI had my steering column replaced recently on my 1989 GMC Jimmy when I start to brake it feels as if my wheels are locking brakes are still in very good shape for now but I fear that this will be quite dangerous soon as it starts to slid...I noticed that although the light is on for my truck to be 2 wheel drive the light for 4 wheel drive is also partly on and won't click off no matter how much pressure I put on the stick....I have two children that ride in this vehicle and have had a lot of costly repairs lately that aren't seeming to be helping my truck but making it worse..I need advice before I take it to another shop...I thought that maybe a caliper was sticking but brakes do kick in and haven't made any lock up and slide no matter how much pressure is put on brakes..please HELP..Thank you so much
AnswerThere are numerous possiblities that can cause your problem and trying to list all of them would take hours. However, hre are a few possibilities:
1. Damaged brake line(s) due to replacement of the steering column.
2. Internal collapsing of the rubber brake hoses at the calipers. Very common. Hoses may look OK from the outside but are partially restricted inside.
3. Faulty caliper(s).
4. An intermittent fault within the transfer case whereas the front drive axles are being engaged during braking thus a result of your 2 wheel 4 whhel drive lgiht indicator illuminating.
This can be very serious and I STRONGLY recommend that you have a reputable knowledgeable repair facility experienced in 4 whhel drive systems make a hands on diagnosis.
I also have blazers, A 1987 and a 1989.
I wish I could give you an exact answer but without having physical access to your vehicle a diagnosis is quite impossible.
semi-retired in New Mexico.