GMC Repair: engine, factory service manuals, haynes manual
Questionjust bought a 2000 s10--it has a 4 cyl. engine and from my haynes manual it looks like the vortec engine but I don't know for sure--how can one tell?--and it has 100,000 miles on it and can I expect 100,000 more?--doesn't smoke and runs good. Thanks for any info.
AnswerI don't mean to be rude but I have absolutely no use nor would I depend upon any information from a Hayes and or Chilton's manual as they do not give you exact specifics of your vehicle. They only provide a generalization of basic information pertaining to several similar type vehicles. If you are mechanically inclined and plan on doing your own work, It would be very beneficial to you to purchase ALL of the manufacturer's factory service manuals for your particular year and model vehicle. All of the manuals will cost you about $250.00, But Ii is money well spent.
As far as determining if your engine is a vortec, Without actually seeing it, I have no way of knowing. Drive it up to your loacl chevy dealer and ask one of the technicians as he/she can tell you EXACTLY what you have. Who's to say that the previous owner destroyed the original engine and replaced it with a non-vortec.
As to getting another 100,000 miles out of it is impossible to say.