GMC Repair: K&N Air Filter, k n air filter, combustion chambers
QuestionI have a 97 Tahoe ( I know its' not a GMC) and I just installed a K&N Air Filter and within 15 to 30 miles my service engine light came on. I reset the computer by disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes and once again it came on. I never had any trouble until I put the filter in, the tahoe has only 44,000 miles on it. I will try any suggestions that you have. Thanks for your time
AnswerAir filters vary in the amount of air flow that is allowed into the combustion chambers (cylinders). Always use the parts recommended by the vehicles manufacturer.
I have had this similar type of question and as always, Use the manufacturers recommended replacement parts.
I personally do not deviate from the manufacturers recommended parts due to the complexity of today's engines.
autohelp in NM