GMC Repair: water pump/power steering pully, grand prix gtp, pontiac grand prix gtp
Questioni have a 97 pontiac grand prix GTP 3800 series engine ( supercharged ) i started removing the water pump with know problems until i tried removing the last bolt to the water pump, it dont clear the power steering pully. i need advice on how to remove the pully on the power steering pump. hope you can help, thanks for your time.
AnswerHi George. I am very very familiar with your problem. You do not remove the pulley, the pulley has holes in it so you can put a socket thru them and remove the power steering pump. Do not remove the power steering lines, just take out the 2 or 3 (some have 2 some have 3 depending on the year)power steering pump bolts, and move it a few inches toward the firwall, they are a 13MM socket size. It's a slight pain in the rear to line the pump back up to start the bolts again, but all in all it's not a completely terrible job. Just a hint, when you put the bolts back in the pump, just put a couple of pieces of newspaper on the bolt head and then force the bolt onto the socket, this will hold the bolt securely in the socket so you can put it back in thru the holes in the power steering pulley. Please let me know how you made out, I always like hearing how people made out on their repairs. MANFRED