Acura Repair: Knocking Noise when key in, loose pieces, signal light
QuestionQUESTION: I have recently noticed a knocking noise when I turn my key to the "ON" position. It sounds like something is rotating around and bumping/knocking as it rotates. I don't have to start the car to hear the noise. I own an Acura 2.3 CL 1998. Any suggestions as to what might be causing the noise?
ANSWER: Hi Brian,
It could be your fan, try turning off your fan to try and narrow it down. Do you hear it in the engine bay or in the dash?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I hear it in the dash, almost as if it is coming right out of the steering column.
AnswerYou might want to remove the cover over the steering column and check around for any loose pieces. I don't know of anything in there that would cause a bumping/knocking noise unless something was loose. Are your signal lights working? It may be your signal light module that is causing that noise. The signal light moduale is located near the steering colomn.
Thank you,