Alfa Romeo Repair: Engine Problem, o2 sensors, accelerator pedal
QuestionHello Stephen, I recently bough a 147 JTD and the car works just fine in low speed, when I press the pedal at 80 mph almost everytime the engine light appears and when I release the accelerator pedal it goes away...The oil levels are ok, and the temperature is ok also never going up the 90c. I read in the manual that sometimes the engine failure light can blink and then go away in a second or so and that doesn't mean a thing, but I think this is not the case.
Most thankful,
Can you help me with this? Thanks, Pedro
AnswerIt is quite probable that you have a temporary lean condition. It is also true that if the light goes out, it is not an issue. You could go to a shop and see if a code was set, however, not all scanners are equal and many might not be able to track the code. Wait until the light flashes a lot or stays steady and then have the codes read. Also, sometimes this is corrected by replacing the O2 sensor (lambda). O2 sensors slow down for sure after 2 years and sometimes sooner.