Questionon my 1980 alfetta gtv 2.0,after leaving the car unused for a week
i returned to find no clutch pedal pressure an empty reservoir and
a patch of fluid underneath the rear seat area. I was told clutch
slave cylinder leaks are more likely when car is unused.
What is your opinion?
AnswerAn opinion is a statement not based on fact.
Slave cylinder leaks are more likely when Castrol LMA is not used or is not renewed every 6 to 8 years.
Best would be a new/rebuilt master and slave with the use of Castrol LMA. Any flushing done should be with the Castrol fluid not a "special" flushing solution.
If you want to do the minimum, take apart the slave and look for corrosion in the cylinder. If it is present then replace both master and slave.