Alfa Romeo Repair: Fault when accelerating, water absorber, alfa 2

Hello Stephen.

Hoping you can help.  I have an alfa 2.0 ts 75. The problems started last year.  When i rev'd the engine it rev'd to about 2500 and then cut down to 2000 and jumped up and down between these rev's, with me not being able to rev it above 2500, but it seem to fix itself and was fine.  I do not know if this has any relation but it happened when it was one cold morning.  It has happened again one very cold night and still persists. When i get the engine above 40 degrees temp it seems to run better and can rev up to 5000 although the problem still persists occasionally when driving, with what seems to be engine cut out happening and then starting again. I have been having occasional problems over the summer with this but when inducing injector cleaner into my petrol mix it seem to be put right.  I don't think injector cleaner will help this time.  Got any ideas, please.


The injector cleaner did not clean the injectors but probably acted as a water absorber.  A better water absorber is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol).  Try one pint of rubbing alcohol for up to 15 gallons of fuel and see if that helps (changing the fuel filter is also recommended).

Otherwise, the next step is to check all connectors and the ground connections.