American Motors: hei, amc 360, spark plug wire

QUESTION: I just put a hei distributor in amc 360 in 76 cj5. the vacuum advance is in the way of power steering pump what's my options to fix that?

ANSWER: Remove the distributor and rotate it so the advance is not hitting anything.
Are you familier with how t do this?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What about timing?

What you are doing is changing the position of cylinder #1 on the distrbutor cap. This will allow you to install the distributor so it clears the vacuum advance.
1) Remove #1 spark plug
2) rotate engine to #1 TDC on the COMPRESSION STROKE. Look at the timing mark on the front cover.
3) Remove distributor cap and note which terminal the rotor is pointing, That's the wire that goes to #1 cylinder.
4) If the distributor is already out, that's OK, skip #3.
5) Position the distributor into the engine so everything clears.
6) Where ever the rotor is pointing, that's #1 cylinder.
7) Reinstall the cap and place #1 spark plug wire into the terminal you identified in step #6.
8) Reinstall the rest of the wires in the proper firing order 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2
9) You should be able to rotate the distributor enough to time it.