American Motors: wire diagram for amc javelin 304, spark plug wires, amc javelin

so heres the problem or the question for that matter. I'm wondering if you have a picture of a wire diagram for the distributor to the block. I disconected mine and forgot the order that it went. I know i got most of them right theres just two wires that im not quite sure of. thank you for your time and assistance in the past. i got the oil pan off and fixed what needed to be done.  

American Motors: wire diagram for amc javelin 304, spark plug wires, amc javelin
amc ignition
I've attached a copy from an AMC repair manual showing the location of the spark plug wires. If you have had the distrbutor out of the engine and have rotated the engine, you can't just drop the distributor in and hook up wires. It doesn't work that way.
What you will have to do is"
1) Remove #1 spark plug
2) Rotate the engine to get #1 piston on TDC on the COMPRESSION stroke.
3) Confirm TDC by looking at the timing mark. It should be at "TDC"
4) Drop the distributor into the block and confirm that it is seated completely into the block. If not, you may have to bump the engine to get it to drop all the way in.
5) Note where #1 is pointing on the distributor when you drop it into the engine.
6) After the distributor is in the engine, install the spark plug wires in proper sequence per the picture.
7) You may have to rotate the distributor slightly to start the engine.
8) Once started, set the ignition timing using a timing light.