Question 1. Why is car exhaust sometimes invisible?
2. Why is it sometimes visible?
3. Is fuel related to exhaust?
4. What are some alternatives to fuel?
5. Do electric cars give off exhaust?
6. Why do cars need to emit exhaust?
7. Does the weight of a car effect the amount of exhaust the car emits?
8. If we used garbage as a fuel, would the exhaust be hazardous?
9. What are ways we can improve the impact car exhaust has on the
10. How far can exhaust fumes travel?
Answer1) The primary gases coming out of the tailpipe are CO, HC, & NOx, When properly burned in a combustion chamber, they are colorless gasses.
2) If the mixture is rich or if oil gets into the combustion chamber, you'll see smoke.
3) The quantity of gas as related to the quantity of air is directly related to the stuff coming out the tailpipe.
4) Electric power or solar power, hydrogen, too.
5) No
6) Anytime something is burned, it emits a gas. A fuel mixture consisting of gasoline and air are burned in an internal combustion engine. (cumbustion is the key word)
7) Yes, a heavier car requires the engine to work harder to move it; the harder an internal combustion engine works, the more it emits exhaust.
8) It depends on what type of garbage is burned, however, garbage cannot be used as a fuel in an internal combustion engine.
9) Keeping an engine tuned; sensible driving habits, more efficient engine controls that reduce pollutants. STOP DRIVING
10) Exhaust disipates into the air and combines with other elements, an excessive amount will produce smog.
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