QuestionQUESTION: Not sure if it is the carb. I purchased the cj about a month ago and the seller told me that it would stall all the time. I adjusted the throttle and got it to idle but when I took it for a test drive it would stall everytime I would decelerate coming to a stop sign. It ran fine the rest of the time. Where do i start? Fuel filter? fuel pump. I noticed that the EGR valve was missing a hose to it but I capped it off when it was running and it didn't do anything.
ANSWER: What engine do you have? Is the carburetor original?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: straight 6 258, the carburetor is rebuilt
Answer1) A restircted fuel filter would affect the engine performance at higher speeds as in starving the engine. A new fuel filter costs a few bucks.
2) The same goes for a bad fuel pump. You can hook up a pressure gauge to test it.
3) If the EGR valve is disconnected, it shouldn't change how the engine runs, providing the valve is closed completely.
Which leaves us back to the carb. I know you said it was rebuilt, but I know few people today that can rebuild a Carter BBD or Carter YF properly. Find a mechanic that knows carburetor and have the carb checked. i.e. Float level. metering rod adjustment, accelerator pump, automatic choke, choke pull off, etc.