QuestionMy Jeep usually runs great and starts without a problem. I have not driven in a while and got in it today and it clicked and then will not do anything. I have to pull the battery cable to get it to "reset" and then it will just click again. I have cleaned every connection I cna find and put a new battery in it. I ran my meter from the negative cable to the terminal on the starter. When keyed I get 12V. This is a 79 CJ7, any ideas would be great. I am thinking bad starter now?????
If you have a voltmeter and know how to use it, GREAT!.
You need to do some Voltage Drop tests. Using your Voltmeter, do the following. Voltmeter's Red wire = Positive; Black wire = negative. OK?
1) red to battery +; black to - (ground); should be >12V
2) red to battery +; black to starter's large power wire terminal down at the starter; turn key to "crank" position; should read < 1V. If more than 1V, there is an open or excessive resistance in that circuit from the battery to the starter.
3) red to battery (-) post; black to body ground. Crank engine; should be <1 V. If greater than 1V, there is excessive resistance in the ground circuit of the battery.
Something you can do with this system is jump across the two large terminals of the solenoid using insulated pliers. The engine should crank over. If it doesn't, turn on the headlights and try to start the engine. If the lights dim, (with your new battery) there is excessive curent draw from the starter. replace it. If nothing happens to the lights, check you ignition switch.
This might sound confusing so if you have any questions, let me know.