American Motors: cars, world craftsman, world craftsmanship
QuestionHi expert! I have a question on cars that i'm quite interested in and wondering if you can answer me. Can you explain to me how automation has changed the face of today's labor force in the Canadian Manufacturing sector. Will automation put an end to old world craftsman as we now know it to be? Thank you!
AnswerHello Sue,
Let me start off by telling you that I know nothing about the Canadian automobile industry. If you have a problem with your vehicle manufactured by American Motors Corporation between the years 1950 to 1978, I would be glad to help you. That is the limit to my expertise.
Now as for your question in general, there is nor has there ever been been "old world craftsmanship" in the massed produced automobile. THis included Henry Ford's Model T. You may find craftsmanship in hand built specialty automobiles, but not in massed produced vehicles. Automotive craftsmen are slowly dying off. THis includes body men who use lead to fill in minor body inperfections, instead of using today's bondo; also craftsmen who rebuild carburetors, generators and other components not found in todays modern automobile. It is a shame, for once these craftsmen are gone, so too are their skills.