American Motors: DJ-5 mail delivery Jeep, mail jeep, united states postal service

I have a 1976 DJ-5 mail jeep. I have problems getting parts for this vehicle. No parts dealer lists parts for this vehicle. WHY ??? I am currently looking for a steering gear box and a 4 bolt pattern wiper motor that mounts on the inside of the jeep.(outside motor has 3 bolt pattern} Is there anyone around  that has parts for this vehicle? Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank mick

Hello Mick,

Sorry to hear about your lack of parts that you can find for your '76 Jeep.  It is somewhat a problem I have, you see, the United States Postal Service pretty much ran their vheicles ragged.  RHD Vheciles mostly went to the USPS.  I can't think of any, try Hoops Salvage (  I go there for my parts and they might be able to help you.  I will put this up on my internet site wanted page for you.
