Audio Systems: Audio Interfaces, magix music maker, audio interface
QuestionI recently bought a blue bird mic to start recording and I need an audio interface. I think that's what it's called. Is there one that you would suggest for around 100 bucks and is good for beginners? I want to start recording a cappella tracks and I know little about audio equipment. I'm also using Magix Music Maker as my software if that helps at all.
AnswerDepends on what you are doing. For interfacing to a pc and associated software the interface is a converter to digital and usb connector to the pc. You can find them on amazon and other places. Suggest you google around and look at reviews. The inexpensive ones are not highly rated for sound quality by some of the reviewer and user commentors. Looks like you must spend around $100 or more to get a good one.
Best wishes.