silver interconnects
QUESTION: I have made my own interconnects with 2 pure silver wires spirraled around a teflon tube.covered with a cotton sleeve.with a copper foil shield over that.
should the copper shield be grounded?if yes,what should i ground it to? to the negative silver wire,the alpine preamp,the milbert tube amp or the 2004 benz 500s chassis frame?
thanks for your help,martin
ANSWER: No you don't have to ground the shield section its job is to prevent noise from outside, chassis will conver that to ground
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i believe in most rca's the shield is the negtive connection of the cables.
but in this situation your saying its best to leave shield not connected to anything?just let silver wire do their job an leave shield as floating protection?
again thanks
the question of what to do with shield stumpped a handful of us.
AnswerYes there is no connection, it is not a second ground, the purpose is to prevent noise static to enterr the cables inside , i gound it once and also use it as a remove wire lazy i didn't want to ruin one more wire and the results not to good
good luck