screen shot 54
QUESTION: I have attached a image( Onyx XMAS100 ) to give yo an idea about what i'm thinkimg. My budget could go up to $200.
ANSWER: Ahh, I see.
That will likely be somewhat lacking in volume when you are driving and have the windows down in the vehicle but it should do what you are wanting.
If the volume and the sound of that setup suits your tastes it looks like a decent solution and I say go for it!
I have a logitech UE and just love it for portability (of course they require a smartphone or other source [wired or bluetooth]). The sound is phenomenal for 100.00.
Best of luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Amazon offers accesories, ciggarett power cords, antennas etc. They are not the same brand as the radio, will they work? I have another car and would like to buy an extra antenna.
AnswerIt will depend on the antenna type (electric or not, amplified or not..ect).
As long tas it says it is intended for your specific vehicle it should be okay.
Best advice:
You might consider a visit to Crutchfield.
1.800.319.8264 - Do not hesitate to call them for this advice.
They are top notch at getting the correct part to you the 1st time and have great prices/service.
If noting else, you can narrow your choices down for Amazon searches.