QuestionI have a ES300 2002 lexus With a marc levenson system gps and complete audio
my sound has gone intermittent on me the gps work fine
sound and all
tHe audio on the radio, disc, and tape are intermittent Start the car drive along no sound sudden sound will come on and stay on until I shut the ignition, then pattern repeats itself on new start up.When sound is off all audio does not work,cant change a station ,nada when sound comes back on every thing works like it should It's aMarc levenson premium sound system M#17002
AnswerThat is a defect on the factory radio not the amplifier,
the radio ttl cmos is getting stuck , radio needs to be remove and repair , this is not a simple repair somethings bottom complete PC Board need to be replace
I recoment you to check with United radio for the reapir, they are in NJ or Hi-Tech Electronic
in CA
the other option if the repair its to expensive will be to buy a rebuild radio from
www.oemautosound i believe this is the part number 86120-33620
good luck