Audio Systems: Noice Speaker / JGCherokee, jeep grand cherokee, car sequence


I purchased a used 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee and when I am driving I hear a weird noise from the door, as if the speaker was lose. When I turn my stereo on, the noise increases and coordinates with the music

Should I chance the speaker?


Yes, you will need a new speaker for that door.  Chances are either the voice coil has come loose from the coil form or the speaker has been grossly overpowered and the cone is coming apart or moisture has gotten into the speaker and damaged it.  Finally, even the mounting screws have rusted out from the moisture and left the speaker loose in its mounting frame.

Any good car audio shop can do the replacement project or you can do it yourself.  Go to and walk through their "outfit my car" sequence to find speakers that fit the mountings and that will be equal to those already in the car.

Good Luck.