Audio Systems: Phone system, ford taurus, aftermarket radio

I have a 1998 ford taurus and on the radio display it shows the call botton on and im not able to use the radio it was working fine two days ago, but even when the car is off the call botton still shows on and its draining the battery and i never used the phone system in the car. I took off the fuse for now but what can i do??? or what can it be???

I suggest you put the fuse back in and try again.  The removal of power may have reset the call function mistake.  If it is a software thing it will correct.

HOWEVER: If it is a hardware failure the above reset idea will not solve the problem and the radio unit will need service.  That is my opinion.  It may be just as easy and maybe less expensive to chuck the radio and put in an aftermarket radio since you don't use the telephone function anyway.

Let me know if there are more questions.