Audio Systems: 4Runner CD error #3, car audio electronics, toyota sales
I own a 2005 4 Runner LTD with a JBL 6 CD changer/cassette/radio unit. I believe the model # is 56836 (very small print!). The CD player quit working and it shows an error #3. It still accepts & ejects CD's but will not play. It doesn't matter which or how many slots are filled. I talked to the dealer and they tell me it either has to be removed and sent to California for several weeks or purchase a new one, both options are well over $300. I would appreciate any help or ideas you can provide.
Answerthe radio is stuck inside one of the trays and most likely the laser head
that is the reason why is not reading any cd and giving the error
radio needs to be repair most local car audio electronics shops can do that
toyota sales a rebuild radio and that price is about right
or you can call they carry rebuild radios for toyota
good luck