Audio Systems: turnbtable hum, project turntable, mobile phone mast

QUESTION: Hello Wayne!

I have a Project turntable and as i've mentioned above, it contains an annoying hum. I will list the troubleshooting I have performed below:

1-The ground lead on the interconnects is grounded to the amp , so it isn't that.

2-I have lifted the turntable up and held it in my hands, so it is not picking up any vibration feedback from the surface it is resting on.

3-The hum remains even when I move my hand towards the tone arm and away from it. It doesn't change.

4-It only appears once the needle enters the records groove.

5-It changes with amplifier volume adjustment [if the amp is turned up, it gets louder and turning the volume down makes the hum quieter].

6-The hum is not present on any other audio devices [CD player/Auxiliary devices etc.]. It is just the turntable.

I still need to plug my old turntable in to see if the problem is still there. It has been mentioned to me that it could be environmental conditions, such as living near to a mobile phone mast etc. Also, the flat is quite old, so maybe the wiring in the flat is picking it up? Your fellow expert Cleggsan mentioned to another question from someone else that it could be that the amp might not be grounded, so I would need to check the plug.

I hope you can help me with this problem, it is very distressing.



ANSWER: Yes - by all means, check the grounding on the amp, and swap the turntables.

Have you tried a different stylus cartridge? The piezo might be on the fritz.

also - try a direct ground lead between the table & the amp (separate from the interconnects.

If it was RF or EM interference, you be getting it regardless, whether the needle was in the groove or not, so I'd cross that off of the list.

Do you have access to any other systems that you could plug the turntable into? A friend's system, maybe? If the hum follows you, have the turntable checked out.

Keep in touch on this one. I've got some DJ pals... I might pick their brains about this.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I'll be sure to check the other turntable with my amp this weekend.
You mentioned trying a direct ground lead between the table & the amp (separate from the interconnects)? I wasn't sure what you meant by this!

Cheers for getting back to me!


ANSWER: While I'm not 100% positive about your particular grounding arrangement, my turntable has a completely separate ground wire that is not tied into the interconnects.
Some arrangements, I've seen the ground wire tied into the shielding on the interconnect cables, and only has a grounding connection at the amplifier/receiver end - is yours like this or like mine?
I'm I making sense? I hope so.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Cheers!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yep, my ground lead is attached with the interconnects. I have disconnected the GND lead and reconnected it to establish how much difference grounding makes, and it is definitely not the problem. if it was the ground lead, i assume I hear a low buzzing even when the stylus is in the cradle. When it is connected, it's fine.
It is a low buzzing when it is not grounded, whereas the humming is quite a low frequency humming that only appears when the needle hits the vinyl groove.

Also I have connected my old turntable and there are no humming problems, so that narrows it down.

The 4 coloured leads under the headshell are all connected. So it's definitely the project turntable [motor problem, cartidge?].


I would try a new stylus. I think if it was a motor issue, the hum would be present without the needle in the groove. It seems to be there or possibly a tone arm problem.

Other than that - I'm out of ideas.

I hope you can narrow it down further. Keep in touch if it does / doesn't work out.