QuestionQUESTION: I replaced the 2 back speakers with 4 ohm ones but they dont seem to get as loud as the fronts,they are 9.2 ohm i have to put fader to rears to hear them.should i have put in 8 ohm ones?
ANSWER: The issue is more about sensitivity than impedance, but the impedance should be the same as the factory amp. Otherwise you can overload the amplifier and cause damage to it. It is okey of the speaker impedance is higher than the amp rating but must not be lower. For example if the impedance rating of the amp is 4 ohms you can use 4 or 8 ohm speakers with not problem but a 2 ohm load will be dangerous.
Sensitivity is the specification that tells you how efficient the speaker is in converting the electrical energy into acoustic energy out of the speaker unit. Sensitivity can vary from speaker to speaker and they run from 86db to 100db. 94 db is a very sensitive speaker; 89 db is not.
Let me know if you need more.
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QUESTION: Im nogt sure what the rating is,do you know I got the speakers from your saying putting in fac replacement speakers or just an 8 ohm speaker will make them louder than the 4 ohmes?
ANSWER: No, first the impedance must be matched. The impedance has little to do with the sensitivity. You must obtain the specifications and read it from the spec sheet. Amazon usually gives all the specs, but if not, go to the manufacturers web page and look it up from their spec sheets.
And, BTW, you can adjust the balance and fade controls on the receiver to adjust for the unequal loudness. If your adjusting them does not easily bring them into sound balance there is probably something wrong somewhere along the way.
We will need more information to give you any further advice. Must know the exact make and model number of the loudspeakers you are using and the head unit in the vehicle.
Wishing the best.
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QUESTION: I know that i got 4 ohm legacy speakers,4x 10's they are weird size back there..its a 92 with the standard stereo what numbers do u need,the cassette has the e/q.
AnswerIn your first question you said something about 9.2 ohms. I ignored that because I have never heard of a speaker of that impedance.
Most Ford vehicles of the 1990s era used 4 or 9 ohm speakers. If you have looked at the replacement speakers that you installed they have a make and model number. If from Amazon they most often have full specs given.
Also, you should go to crutchfield and work your way through their "outfit my car" steps and they will tell you what is compatible with your vehicle for size and electrical requirements.
Also you can go to this page which has a lot of discussion on older Ford trucks and stuff;
At the top you can select for your vehicle and it will give you the forum discussions for your vehicle.
PS: But, there should not be more than a few db sound difference between all the speakers if the amplifier, speaker wiring and mounting of the speakers is done properly.